Thursday, April 21, 2011

too little a time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUSH HOUR

No wonder we have become a ‘like’ generation"whereby we limit our interactions and expressions to our friends and families through Facebook’s ‘like’ buttons only. 
Too busy we are sometimes even to post a comment, or a message in the inbox, let alone picking up the phone and chatting for nothing for a while.
 That is how some friendship has become, while the number of 'friends' in your Facebook list keeps growing, what an irony.
  Everybody is busy. I was wondering if its true to some extent that people in general are more sensitive, or vulnerable or receptive to attention, or atleast they expect to be remembered on their birthdays. I don’t know if its true for all ages or all gender or for all people in all countries or not, may be it’s a human thing that exists sub-consciously even if we consciously deny it. 
What do you think about it?

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